Revitalisation of LegCo into Court of Final Appeal
活化前立法會大樓 - 終審法院

Project in collaboration with +LWK & Partners

Declared Monument 法定古蹟

Central, Hong Kong 香港中環

Use 用途
Governmental 政府
Client 客戶
ArchSD 建築署
Scope of Services 委託範圍
Heritage Consultant - Heritage Impact Assessment, Historic and Heritage Study, Condition Survey, Conservation Design and Conservation Works Supervision.
保育顧問 - 文物影響評估, 歷史與文物研究, 建築狀況調查, 復修設計及保育工程監督
Project Status 項目進度
Completed in 2015 已於2015完成

  • Conversion & Revitalisation of the Old Supreme Court (1912-1984) / Former Legislative Council (1985-2011) into the Court of Final Appeal, including conservation, alteration and renovation works
  • 活化及改建 舊最高法院 (1912-1984) / 前立法會大樓 (1985-2011) 成為終審法院,包括保育、改建及室內翻新工程


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